A workshop of Gender Sensitization was organized by Mukti with support from AID on 20th February 2021 from 10.30 am – 4.00 pm. The workshop was participated by 15 city office staffs of Mukti who are working at various levels and designations like fund raising, accounts, administration, clerk, media and publication, office assistant and project coordinators. The workshop was led by Mrs. Paromita Chowdhury, an experienced training Consultant on gender issues and Mr. Partha from AID.
The objective of the workshop was to develop the insight among the participants on the privileges and the discriminations on the gender in their own selves which will lead to develop equal understanding for the opposite gender.
The participants were heterogeneous in nature which made the sessions interesting. The session started with self introduction through a drawing by each of the participants and relating to it. Participants expressed themselves through nature, costumes, shelter, birds and animals, etc. This session helped in understanding each other and respecting each other’s individuality.
The next session was followed by agreeing / disagreeing / or both on few statements given by the trainer on gender. Participants tried to justify each of the statements and the activity showed that these individual opinions are influenced by roles, circumstances, confidence and push and pull factors from the society.
During the next session, the participants were divided into 2 groups based on gender. Both the groups were asked to draw 2 clocks based on day and night and represent in different colours the routine of both the genders for a day. It was observed that both the genders are involved in all kinds of work very dedicatedly. However, it was felt that girls do not receive equal acknowledgement compared to the boys for the same work. Moreover, girls get less time for recreation and sleep, which leads to various health problems.
The workshop took a lunch break and resumed with a new session on ways to identify gender. Participations were divided into 2 mixed groups and were asked to draw picture of boy and girl. After sometime, participants were told to point out the features from the picture of girls and boys. The outcome was that there are certain features which are only for girls or boys and some are present in both. From here, the definition of ‘Gender’ was clarified with the participants.
Sessions also involved role play by participants on different situations which helped in identifying how gender affected roles and some situations tempt gender differentiation from very early age. Trainer also discussed on gender impact on ‘access, control and decision-making’ by giving various situations.
It was concluded that sensitization towards gender is required at every step and must be inculcated as habit. This will help in understanding the privileges and discriminations on the opposites and help in realizing gender issues and make changes.
The workshop ended by thanksgiving by trainer and from Mukti. Participants realized the gaps and work on them by being more sensitive and respectful towards each other.
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