Mukti Employment Exchange has been operative from December 2019. Through the Employment Exchange, Mukti is sponsoring candidates against notified vacancies as per his qualification, age, category, etc.
Mukti is also providing career guidance for self-employment. Mukti is creating job opportunities for the youth of the community who are gravely deprived. Mukti helped 20 candidates to get job. Due to lockdown and Covid-19 pandemic candidates lost many job opportunities. Mukti stand by their side and on the month of September- October arranged interviews for them.
Mukti is delighted to announce that Mr. Anup Sarkar got the job of Telecaller through Mukti Employment Exchange. Among the 3-4 candidates he was selected by HDB Finance.
Mr. Anup Sarkar belonged to a low income family constituting of five members. His father is a farmer. He completed his B.A. from Raidighi College in the year 2016. With the small income, it was very difficult to lead a comfortable life. Mr. Anup Sarkar , the eldest son of his family, had huge difficulty to pursue his choice of career with no financial support. But his determination to do something and his self-confidence led him to enroll himself in the Mukti Employment Exchange. He was an honorable student and excelled both in academics and curricular. He is a well mannered and obedient person and has a friendly behavior towards everyone. He always has an urge to learn something new. Ultimately the ever awaited day came with a bundle of happiness when Mr. Anup Sarkar was engaged by HDB Finance as a Telecaller. Now he is working as Sales Manager and growing day by day professionally and personally with a handsome package.
Mukti wishes him all the very best for his career.
He thanked Mukti for standing beside him and expressed his gratitude.
Mukti Employment Exchange is going to next interview on 20-21, January 2021. Please enroll yourself today by using this form.
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