On the 18th of July 2023, Mukti made a contribution to environmental conservation and community development by sending a generous shipment of 1000 coconut saplings, as well as flower and fruit tree saplings, to the PurbaMedinipur branch of Mukti.
These saplings hold immense potential as they are intended to serve as mother plants in the Purba Medinipur nursery. With the nurturing care of the dedicated team, these mother plants will play a crucial role in producing more seedlings through cutting and grafting methods, ensuring a sustainable source of new plants in the future.
Among the diverse array of flowers, 20 seedlings each of several species, including Korobi, Rangan, Belphool, Gandharaj, Jaba, Kamini, Bougainvillea, and Togorhave been included in the shipment. The variety of flowers promises to add beauty and color to the region while also supporting local biodiversity and ecosystem health.
Additionally, the shipment included 20 seedlings each of lemon, guava, and Dragon fruit trees. These fruit trees hold great promise for the community, providing a source of nutrition and economic opportunities for the members of the Mukti Community Development Fund (MCDF).
Mukti distributed these saplings among MCDF members to empower communities through sustainable practices. The nurturing and cultivation of these saplings by the local community will foster a deeper sense of ownership and responsibility for the environment, leading to a greener and more vibrant future for PurbaMedinipur.
Through this act of environmental stewardship and community engagement, Mukti continues to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and the region’s ecosystem. The gift of saplings not only signifies the growth of greenery but also symbolizes the growth of hope and opportunity for a brighter tomorrow in Purba Medinipur.