To combat climate change and safeguard the rich biodiversity of the Sundarbans, Mukti has initiated numerous plantation drives across the region. These efforts are crucial in stabilizing the coastline, mitigating soil erosion, and providing habitat for a diverse array of wildlife. With a focus on ensuring the sustainability and resilience of this vital ecosystem against rising sea levels and environmental threats, Mukti has launched another plantation drive starting from May onwards.
Under the collaborative initiative named the “Climate Resilience River Embankment” project, Mukti, in partnership with ABS, is committed to planting 25,000 mangrove saplings along the river embankment of Baradanagar within Mathurapur Block II. Spanning across a targeted area of 1.8 square kilometers, this endeavor aims to bolster the region’s resilience against climate-related challenges while promoting ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation along the riverfront.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-in-association-with-abs-planting-mangrove-saplings-at-baradanagar