Name: Manab Halder
Father’s name: Anukul Halder
Village + Post: Poschim Jota
Thana: Raidighi
District: South 24 Parganas.
Occupation: Farming.
Farming land owned: 1 Bigha
Family member: 4
On prolonged usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides Manab Halder’s entire farming land was slowly turning into a barren land. The crop productivity decreased to a large extent. This led to extreme financial crisis; it became difficult to sustain his family, to support his children’s education. At this juncture of his life, in the year 2011, Manab came in contact with MUKTI through a workshop on sustainable agriculture. Upon completion of the workshop, he started implementing organic agriculture. With consistent effort, he is now a notable farmer in his area and in MUKTI. Now, he inspires other fellow farmers to adopt organic farming methods.
MUKTI wishes him all the very best.