It is with the saddest regret, we, the Mukti TSS team, inform you that we have lost one of our respected social workers Late Mrs. Pramila Halder. She was associated with Mukti from 2017-18 to 2020-21.
She was suffering from Covid -19 and after struggling continuously for a few days in the hospital, in May 2021, she passed away.
It is an irreparable loss to the Mukti TSS family as we have lost one of our guardians. She was sponsoring Aritra Ghosh who lives in Hooghly and currently pursuing B.Sc.2nd year with Mathematics Hons from Kalna College. When Aritra was the class XI student, till then she was supporting Aritra in his studies. She taught Aritra how to stay focused on his goals to achieve his dreams.
We utter our heartfelt respect to her. May her soul rest in peace! You will always be alive in our hearts and minds.
We express our sincerest sympathy to her family. Your loss saddens us. We pray, may God grant her family the strength to endure this great pain.
We have attached a small acknowledge video from Aritra towards his sponsor.
Aritra while expressing tribute to his sponsor Mrs. Pramila Halder says, “I live in Behula in Hoogly district of West Bengal. I passed the Madhyamik Examination in 2017 and after that for my higher studies, I needed financial support. At that time I came to know about Mukti TSS from one of my friends and I contact Mukti. There, Mrs. Pramila Halder came forward to support me. Holding her hand I have passed 4 long years and at present, I am pursuing Mathematics Hons from Kalna College under Burdwan University. I am forever grateful to her for her contribution to my studies. Sadly, she is no longer with us. The news of her death is of deep grief to many more like me. I pray to God that her soul may rest in peace. I will always follow the path shown by her and will always remember her kindness. After growing up I will serve many helpless people like me.”