Backyard or homestead poultry farming is common among rural and landless families in India and is a lucrative source of supplementary income. It involves low investment and yields high economic returns, and can be easily managed by women. Meat and eggs from such birds are an inexpensive and rich source of protein and energy for poor households.
The objective of the project is to support the Amphan-affected vulnerable to create a chance of earning.
Efforts of Mukti in making the poultry farm:
Mukti in association with “Kolkata Foundation” has distributed chicks to 11 women (100 chicks each) at Purbasridharpur village under Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat and Mathurapur Block II. Two types of chicks – Kurilor and Kadaknath were bought from a poultry farm at Howrah. A total of 11,000 (550 each) chicks were bought and will be distributed to the women of different Blocks.
Mukti has given Rs. 5,000 to each of those 11 women to build the farm and will be incurring the cost of feeding and medical care of the chicks. Mukti has engaged these women under the “Food for Work” project and thus they will receive a monthly allowance of Rs. 2,000. These women will take care of the chicks. The chicks will be fertile within 3 months. Finally, the chickens will be sent to the market for sell for a low-cost rate. At the very initial level, Mukti has started with 11 farms, in the future 14 more farms will be included.
A small introduction about the chickens:
Kuroiler chicken is just like indigenous chicken, their meat is tasty and they lay yellow yolk eggs. Despite being a hardy breed, it is not encumbered by low productivity. While indigenous chicken produces about 40 eggs per year, Kuroiler produces about 150 eggs in the same period.
Kadaknath is a special type of chicken that is full black in color along with feathers, legs and beak and also lay black color eggs. Their fleshes are also black in color. It is famous for its medicinal properties. Kadaknath is an Indian breed that increases in weight slowly but is famous for its nutritional value and medicinal properties. One can expect about 1 kg weight gain in 5 months, 60-80 eggs in one cycle.
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