Amaratala village under Basanti Block is 15-16 Km. far from the block hospital. Covid patients who are suffering from breathing problem can’t access oxygen immediately. They had to travel far in need of oxygen. Although they can reach somehow to the block hospital sometimes the hospital is unable to supply them oxygen.
Mukti and Sreeshti joined hands together and launched a covid care unit at Amratala village on !8th May, 2021, to save the lives of the covid patients. At this unit patients suffering from difficulty of breathing can get a free access of oxygen. Mukti has also provided medicines, gloves, sanitizers, oximeters etc in care of the patients.
Mukti is grateful to “Sreeshti” for supporting Mukti to save corona patients from this deadly virus.
Till now Mukti Sreeshti Covid Care Unit provided oxygen support to 8 patients and 18 patients received medicine.