Mukti is supporting of the Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat by reconstructing the brick road stretching from Ramkrishna Bazar heading towards Mukti Library. It is a 1 km long and 1:30’ wide road. Due to heavy rain, the road has broken in several places and large potholes have been created. Minor accidents are happening almost every day. People and vehicles are having a hard time while traveling. Mukti started reconstructing the road from 10th August.
The bottom layer of the road has been graded or filled according to the current structure of the road. Next, a layer of broken stone, slate and bricks is applied over the leveled roadbed. The second layer of asphalt or material with a similar consistency is placed next. A third layer consisted of sand, followed by the bricks and of course curbs are placed along the sides of the roads. The road is created with a slight rise in the middle. This is probably to help with additional drainage of the road.
8-10 laborers are working every day under the “Food for Work” of Mukti.
Villagers thanked Mukti for understanding their trouble. Every day on an average 1,000 people use the road for transport. Now they can move easily without any hazards.