Covid-19 is having a devastating impact on the already undernourished and marginalised sections of society, by affecting their access to food and nutrition, and consumption patterns. Many have also suffered from a lack of regular access to nutritious and sufficient food. Those worst hit by this unprecedented pandemic and lockdown are daily wage laborers, migrants, the homeless, the poor and many who form the floating population.
In this hard time, Mukti has decided to support the Covid affected families with food grains. The ration distribution drive has emerged as an empirical solution to feed those in need. The main objective is to provide cheap yet nutritious food to people who cannot afford it.
For the noble cause Mukti in association with “Saikat- San Diego” conducted a ration distribution drive on 11th August 2021, Saturday at Purba Sridharpur under Nagendrapur GP. 325 families are supported through the program.
Mukti is grateful to Saikat- San Diego for their support during this difficult time. Mukti wants to say a huge thank you to help those affected by COVID-19.
They received rice, lentils, mustard oil, refined oil, salt, cumin powder, turmeric powder, red chili powder, Colgate paste, toothbrush, flour, sugar and soybean.
One of the beneficiaries said, “Due to the COVID-19 situation, nobody is giving me any work and I stay hungry most of the time. Mukti came at the right time and provides me ration. I am truly grateful to Mukti for helping me.”