Independence Day is a day of pride and celebration for every Indian. On the occasion of the 78th Independence Day, the Mukti team pledged to dedicate their efforts towards the well-being of society and the nation at large.
The pre-Independence Day celebration, held on August 11th, 2024, was a vibrant and respectful event conducted via Zoom and streamed live on YouTube, attracting over 1,355 participants. The event brought together Mukti’s grassroots team members, volunteers, and senior management for a meaningful discussion on social consciousness, compassion, and positive thinking. The session was expertly facilitated by Mukti’s senior leaders and cluster directors, covering all nine clusters of the HEALER AID model.
The SAHOSINI Nari Shakti team opened the event with a traditional song, the Mukti Anthem:
“Aamar mukti aaloy aaloy ei aakashe,
Aamar mukti dhulay dhulay ghaase ghaase…
… Jiban jeno diyi aahuti mukti – aashe”
— Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
Independence Day is a time to remember India’s first day of freedom and honor the sacrifices made by our great leaders. This year, the 78th Freedom Day celebration focused on discussing real challenges facing our nation and their implications for nation-building.
Dr. Kashturi Bakshi emphasized the importance of a disease-free life for overall well-being, while Mr. Subodh Bishwas shared insights on integrated education for holistic child development. Mr. Madhusudan Bairagi highlighted the need for psychosocial support in child liberation and mental well-being. Other speakers, including Mr. Sujit Pal, Mr. Bishwanath Mandal, Mr. Chandrachur Chatterjee, Ms. Nandita, Mr. Soumitra Bose, and Mr. Debabrata Haldar, discussed topics such as freedom from dysfunction, economic empowerment of women, environmental consciousness, human rights, financial management, and community business ownership.
Mukti founder and president, Mr. Sankar Haldar, added depth to the discussion by exploring the path to true consciousness. He urged everyone to remain aware of their surroundings, geopolitical issues, and the importance of self-realization. He also connected the concept of an open mind with the famous song by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, “Aamar mukti aaloy aaloy ei aakashe.”
The event concluded with the singing of the national anthem by all MUKTI team members and participants, filled with pride and commitment. As we celebrated India’s Independence Day, the MUKTI team collectively pledged to contribute to building a strong and prosperous nation.