On December 7, 2023, Mukti spearheaded an initiative in collaboration with “Shruti Disability Rights”, “Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action” (CREA) and “Kolkata Foundation”, organizing a program that delved into the intersection of disability and gender-based violence. Ms. Shampa Sengupta the founder of “Shruti Disability Rights” conducted the event. The event consisted of insightful discourse, fostering interactive sessions aimed at shedding light on this pressing issue. The program witnessed active participation from 45 members of Sahoshini and ShasthoShongini, collectively amplifying its impact at Mukti Gram, Purba Sridharpur.
Studies underscore a troubling reality: individuals grappling with disabilities face disproportionately higher rates of gender-based violence. Rooted in societal stereotypes, ableism, and entrenched power dynamics, this distressing trend underscores the urgent need for intervention. Women and girls, bearing the dual brunt of gender and disability-based discrimination, emerge as particularly vulnerable within this paradigm.
The program navigated a spectrum of crucial topics, each pivotal in reshaping perceptions and advocating for change.
Raising Awareness: Removing the veils of ignorance, fostering understanding, and amplifying visibility.
Accessible Support Services: Creating pathways and infrastructure that cater to the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities facing gender-based violence.
Empowerment and Self-Advocacy: Instilling confidence, imparting tools, and nurturing the spirit of self-advocacy among affected communities.
Legal Reforms: Championing systemic changes and advocating for legal frameworks that offer protection and justice to those marginalized by both disability and gender-based violence.
This collaborative endeavor by Mukti, “Shruti Disability Rights,” and “CREA” created a meaningful dialogue and highlighted actionable steps towards a more inclusive and equitable society, one that ensures the safety and dignity of every individual, irrespective of their gender or disability status.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-holds-a-spotlight-on-disability-and-gender-based-violence