The Book Bank is the student resource for all the Course Books that a student may require for his academic pursuits from Class 5 to Class 12. The Book Bank offers issuing of books and also provides all enrolled students with all his course books for a period of one year. Our books go to children, the ill, and the indigent, in places where there is no access to books.
Mukti is a non profit organization serving the underprivileged, illiterate, poor & backward people of rural West Bengal to create self reliant society through efficient and environmentally conscious use of local resources. Mukti is serving the poor & backward people for more than 5 years & serving the helping hand to more than 5000 students. As many of you are aware Cyclone Aila wrecked havoc on the coastal South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal on May 25, 2009.With winds of 120kmph, 10 feet high waves and a diameter of 250-350 km it flattened or washed away homes and flooded most of Sunderbans, Kakdwip, Sagar and surrounding areas. This devastating cyclone has left more 100,000 people homeless with little or no access to food, safe drinking water, shelter or medicine. In this Aila as people become homeless the high waves has washed away the books & the student become helpless without there books. The student stopped going to there schools, then the Mukti Stretched their hands to help this 1500 students in 5 Block area of the Aila affected school.
Mukti successfully organized MERP (Mukti Education Rehabitation Programme) in different school in the area namely Kultali, Jharkhali, G plot & K Plot. Mukti Volunteers visited the individual School & distributed the book where the student does not have access to books for further studies. Before distributing the book to the school Mukti team used to purchase the books from local agent & do the necessary work in the Mukti office i.e. segregating the books by class wise. The team including photographer used to start early in the morning from Mukti Office. The volunteers have to travel several kilometers by crossing the river & moved through designed motorized cart & distributed the books to several remote schools with the help of Head Master & Teachers. All this activities used to take entire day. The camp operated from 7am to 5pm. This book bank project has held from June 2009 to August 2009 and the schools where the programmed has been held as follows:
Name Of the School Block
Nagendrapur H.K. High School
Purba gurguriya high school
Herobhanga bidyamandir
Khagendrasmriti bidyamandir
Ambika Nagar high school
Babujan Sephai Hgh School
Shibnagar Mokshoda sundari
Kuyemuri uchabidyalay
Dakshin Kashinagar high school
Bhubineswari Joykrishna High School
K-Plot Girls school
G-Plot High school
Jata Nagendrapur High School.
We have successfully completed the service and have helped the student community in large to obtain their books of study easily. We have served more than 1500 students from various Secondary & Higher Secondary School for the area of Kultali, Jharkhali, G plot & K Plot.