The devastation of cyclone Yaas had caused a huge ingress of saline water which affected thousands of acres of agricultural land in Sundarban. For the past three months other than distributing relief Mukti, from 3rd August 2021has started to distribute salt-tolerant verities of paddy to farmers.
The infused saline water has increased the salinity of soil and makes the cultivation of regular high-yielding varieties almost impossible for the next few years. The increased frequency of natural disasters may cause food crises in the whole region.
To avoid such unwanted situations Mukti in association with “AID” distributed 700 kg of 7 such paddy verities (Kerala Sundori, Jhumpuri, JP 110, Kolaboti, etc) which are tolerant to high levels of salinity.
We are sincerely grateful to “AID” to be by the side of the farmers during this difficult time.
140 farmers of Nagendrapur and Kankandighi GP under Mathurapur II block were supported with 700 kg (5 Kg each) of salt-tolerant paddy seed.
Mr. Paresh Purkait, a salt-tolerant paddy harvesting farmer of Paschim Jata, PS Raidighi, 24 Parganas said “Yaas had flooded our fertile land and all our crops with saline water by breaching the river embankment. We can’t cultivate any grain for the coming 5-7 years. We appeal to Mukti to support us with salt-tolerant paddy seeds. I am glad that Mukti came to our village to know under which condition we are going through. We are happy that Mukti has promised to be by our side”.