Mukti in association with “Coal India Limited” initiated a project named “मुर्गी पालन द्वारा आजीविका और आय सृजन सवार” (Generating livelihood by chick-rearing) for the marginalized women associated with MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) of Egra block of East Medinipur and Keshiary, Datan I, Datan II blocks of West Medinipur District. The venture has been intended to supplement and enhance their livelihoods. Backyard poultry farming not only provides nutritional security but also reduces livelihood vulnerability, and promotes gender equity.
The implementation of the program started in October via Beneficiary Identification, several meetings were conducted, and a list of marginalized women was prepared based on their skill set, interest and their zeal to become self-dependent. The team organized group meetings to discuss the project, organize meetings to form SHGs and conducted a preliminary training session for the beneficiaries.
On 22nd, 23rd and 24th December 2022, Mukti conducted a mass chick distribution program to 300 SHG members in the Keshiary, Datan and Egra Blocks. In the first phase, Mukti distributed 27,670 chicks to 1700 women.
In the next phase, chicks will be distributed to other SHGs.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/tag/Coalindia