The kitchen garden program of Mukti has considerably increased food security in the rural Indigenous (Adivasi) villages of Sundarban. There is a great potential of reducing food insecurity through vegetable gardens. Men, women, even youngsters participate and learn how to layout their own vegetable patch. The main objective of Mukti is to make the indigenous women self-reliant by distributing seasonal vegetable seeds and by providing training so that they can make a kitchen garden in their backyard, be able to meet their nutritional needs and can income some extra.
Gauri Munda, a Women Leader of Tribal Community Feeding Her Family by Creating Kitchen Garden
Gauri Munda, female head of the tribal community lives with a family of five in Nagendrapur Adibasipara within Mathurapur block II of Sundarban in West Bengal. They are landless farmers and rely mostly on farming for their diets and livelihood. During the lockdown period triggered by Covid-19, they encounter some financial difficulties. Due to lack of income, they were living in dire straits.
In that time of miserable distress Mukti and “Give India” stand by her side and support her with the winter vegetable seeds and saplings to create a small kitchen garden of her own. Mukti also provides her training on farming techniques. After joining Mukti kitchen garden intervention her life changed.
Gauri is thankful to Mukti and “Give India” and mentions that prior to joining the program her family’s diet lacked diversity and they have to purchase those from the market at a high price. She now can cultivate different varieties of vegetables. Her family is now getting nutritious food as well as their income from selling surplus vegetables has also increased. They are having a good time now.
The Head of the Family Pratima Das, Become Self-reliant Through Kitchen Gardening
This is the story of Pratima Das residing at Narendrapur Adivasi Para under Nagendrapur GP of Sundarban with her husband and two children. The main occupation of the family is agricultural. At other times they make a living by working as migrant workers. But Covid situation has changed everything. After losing the job her husband is forced to come back to the village. Being the head of the family, she has been very worried about her children. Arranging food at least once a day has become difficult for her.
At that time, if she has not gotten the help of Mukti and Give India, her family might have perished. After receiving free seasonal vegetable seedlings and training, she started cultivating vegetables in her garden in front of their house.
By selling those surplus vegetables now she is saving around Rs. 1500 / – every month. The vegetables are fulfilling the family’s daily need for vitamins and nutrition. She thanks Mukti and “Give India” for their immense grant. She herself has been very happy to be able to give comfort to his family.