4 representatives from “Greenpeace India” visited Mukti gram from 13th to 15th August 2022 to gain first-hand knowledge of the activities, procedures and plans of Mukti in protecting the green environment. Besides the environment, they have also shown their interest in organic farming the SAM farmers are practicing since 2003. During the three-day visit, they participated in meetings, have done field visits, talked with the beneficiaries, project coordinators and local people and also attended the 76th Independence Day celebration at Mukti gram.
Greenpeace is a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. They came from their Registered Office in Bengaluru, India.
They came to visit the Mukti Gram, inspired by the massive activities of Mukti across West Bengal centering on the Sundarbans. At the beginning of the discussion, they want to know about the most disaster-prone areas of Sundarbans. What was the situation before Mukti started developing Sundarbans and what steps has Mukti taken to preserve the existence of Sundarbans? Discusses follows on what Mukti thinks about protecting the fragile river embankments of the Sundarbans and how a permanent solution can be found to protecting the river embankments. Mukti, without harming the environment tells them about the 3-layer plantation (1st Layer Mangrove, 2nd layer Vetiver grass and 3rd layer other fruit and flowering trees) program of Mukti for a permanent solution to protect the river embankments. They have been also informed about Mukti’s large-scale mangrove plantation drive. Awareness programs are launched to make the villagers aware of the need for mangroves. Villagers have been engaged in the plantation drive of Mukti. Mukti makes them aware of the 3 types of cyclone tolerant housing projects. The houses are made of natural materials and can withstand harsh climates.
After the meeting, they went to visit the mangrove plantation site and the nursery. They have also visited other plantation sites too.
After their visit, they have shown their interest to work in collaboration with Mukti in the field of environment and agriculture. Greenpeace has asked for advocacy support for Mukti.