During their home visits, the SwasthoSongini team uncovered a sizable disabled population, largely neglected and unaware of government support. Most caregivers of disabled individuals were oblivious to available social schemes and free services provided by disability management institutes.
Moved by this eye-opening experience, the SwasthoSongini team shared their findings with Mukti. The gravity of the situation was not lost on Mukti, and they recognized the urgency to integrate this issue into their comprehensive healthcare program.
In response to this pressing concern, Mukti took a proactive step by enlisting the expertise of Ms. Shampa Sengupta, a distinguished national-level human rights activist who has been at the forefront of disability and human rights advocacy for over a quarter-century. With a stellar record as the founder of the advocacy group “Sruti Disability Rights Centre” and as the Joint Secretary of the National Platform for Rights of the Disabled, Ms. Sengupta conducted an orientation training on disabilities and planned a session with government representatives, enlightening the community about accessing welfare without bribes on 27th August 2023. 24 SwasthoSongini members participated in the training session.
Mukti is grateful to Ms. Sengupta for leading this vital training, aiming to empower and raise awareness effectively.