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Category: Mukti Gram – Purbashridharpur

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Building Resilience: MUKTI’s Eco-Friendly Homes for a Sustainable Future in Purba Sridharpur

In a world increasingly affected by climate change, the need for climate-resi...

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Kolkata Well-Wishers Provide Support and Hope to Mukti Support School Students

In a heartwarming gesture of support and encouragement, a group of well-wishe...

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Sankalpa Divas: Celebration of Mukti’s Vision for an Ideal Village

Mukti Gram in Purba Sridharpur became a vibrant hub of community spirit and c...

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From Extinction to Rebirth: Mukti’s Animal Husbandry Project Welcomes New Bunnies

Many species once integral to traditional animal husbandry are now facing ext...

Project Activities