The Krishi Mela 2014, organized from 16th to 18th January by the Mathurapur block-II, Raidighi was a unique effort to make people aware of technologies available. The modern technologies presently practiced by the farmers are being popular as farmers’ income increases for minimizing production cost using the technologies. In this Krishi Mela, agricultural products e.g. frits and flowers, livestock, fisheries, farm-machineries etc. and production technologies were fairly demonstrated where Mukti participated and demonstrated organic vegetables immensely produced through practicing organic farming with botanical pesticides by Mukti- farmers’ groups. Mukti also demonstrated good effect of organic vegetables and its practices on human and environment economy where people of all walks of life could realize its importance. Demonstrating production practices of organic vegetables, Mukti set up demonstration plots with Vermicompost in the Krishi Mela and exhibited production technologies of organic vegetables and botanical pesticides to be used for pest management where Mukti staff were always present for answering any questions of the visitors and accordingly provided curative solutions of different problems faced by the farmers. Amongst the visitors, Agriculture Development Officer, Mathurapur II Block shared scientific solution on protecting seeds from virus- attack and speedy growth of plants using Amritapani and Narkol tonic related to organic farming being practiced by local farmers.
In this 3-day long Krishi Mela Agriculture experts kept speech valuable on techno-savvy knowledge on agriculture and production practices that could enrich knowledge of visiting farmers in agriculture production.