Within the framework of the “Mukti Beverage” initiative, Mukti installed a state-of-the-art water purification machine in Mathurapur Block II. This unit is located at Kankandighi MSS, Tepaiyara, within the Kankandighi Gram Panchayat. Affectionately named “Mukto Dhara,” this product is a testament to Mukti’s commitment to providing clean and pure drinking water.
The “Mukto Dhara” unit provides 40 to 100 20-liter bottles per day, according to the demand. Beneficiaries include residents in Kankandighi, Raidighi, Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat areas, and even the Mukti City office staff.
This essential service is offered at a fair and affordable price, ensuring that people in these areas have access to safe and healthy drinking water, a critical component in improving the lives of the communities it serves.
Gallery link:https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-beverage-project-mukto-dhara