In order to plant dragon fruit plants on the countryside slope of the river embankment at Purba Sridharpur, a large number of saplings are being produced in Mukti Nursery by following the cutting method. New saplings are being made by cutting some parts from the Dragon fruit plants produced last year and processing them in a new way. About 1,500 saplings are being produced in this way.
Dragon fruit grows in segments, so it’s easy to take a cutting at one of the narrow points along a segment. To get the complete advantages of dragon fruit farming, women workers are using the plant cuttings from the quality mother plant. After cutting the workers are digging a hole in the middle of the pot, place the cutting 2 to 3 inches deep, backfilling the soil and compress it slightly to keep the cutting upright. Once the roots develop the saplings will be transplanted to the river embankments.
15 MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) members are engaged in the cutting process.