A biodiversity workshop led by veteran professor Amalesh Mishra, and a rainwater harvesting project took place in Purbashridharpur on 20th February.
Aligned with Mukti’s vision of all-round development, the objective was:
The workshop started with a welcome note from Dr. Alokananda Ghosh, representing the Education wing of Mukti. Thereafter, Prof. Mishra gave an overview of the objectives and agenda of the workshop.
As an extension of the work done in the first phase in August 2023, the participants, comprising students and teachers of Mukti Support Schools (MSS) calculated the ‘water footprint’, the volume of water required per head per day. Through discussions, they realized that even a square foot of base on one’s roof can store more than sufficient water for a family, underscoring the importance of rainwater harvesting in every house or family. This simple act will be a part of the preparations for the impending day when we cannot take nature for granted anymore.
Students and teachers participated in hands-on activities and made plans on how to take up the rainwater harvesting project and continue with a year-long agenda. The participants prepared a map of the area from Raidighi More to the ‘Muktangan’ at Purbashridharpur. This created an awareness of the locality, its communication channels, and facilities around someone’s coordinates in the village.
In the second half, the group measured the salinity of water from different sources available there. Prof Mishra explained how paddy cultivation is possible despite increased salinity or water logging due to floods, with the use of newly developed seeds. He also inquired about seed storage practices adopted by any teachers belonging to peasant families.
The follow-up after the workshop included:
The workshop offered a balanced blend of theoretical knowledge, practical skill development, and hands-on experience, ensuring participants gained a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity conservation and rainwater harvesting techniques. The exchange of thoughts and ideas was very enriching for all, especially for the students. The students were so engaged and busy with activities that they had to be reminded about lunch! The teachers also seemed very focused on the topic, and the entire program was extremely interactive. Mukti hopes that this spirit will be maintained throughout the year to help continue with this socially and environmentally important project.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mss-students-biodiversity-camp-and-rain-water-harvesting