Somnath Mukherjee and Partha Dey, representatives of Association for India’s Development (AID), visited Mukti Bio Village and Mukti Gram Purba Sridharpur on 26th February. The primary aim of their visit was to gain an in-depth understanding of the various projects supported by AID.
At the Bio Village, they met with 32 individuals, comprising Mukti organic farmers, members of the Mukti working committee, and agriculture-related staff. The gathering served as a platform to discuss the intricacies of the supported projects. A tour of the roadside beautification efforts and the fields of organic farmers followed the meeting.
Later in the day, the focus shifted to Purba Sridharpur, where the visitors engaged in a visit to the mangrove plantation site and nursery. The tour allowed them to witness firsthand the progress and impact of AID-supported initiatives. They then met with 56 individuals, including Mukti working committee members, staff, and women associated with the model village project. During the meeting, Messrs. Mukherjee and Dey took the opportunity to extend their heartfelt appreciation and encouragement to the women, acknowledging their efforts and dedication.
The visitors expressed their contentment and satisfaction after the comprehensive site visit, underscoring the positive strides being made towards sustainable development in the region.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/aid-delegation-visits-bio-village-and-purba-sridharpur