Name- Subhajit Baidya
Location- Mathurapur 1
The medical journey of Subhajit began when his family noticed alarming signs, such as pain and unusual swelling close to the chest. His father Prasenjit Baidya works as a daily wage earner and their financial situation is grim. Subhajit’s family brought him to our Muktis village clinic, where they requested Barun, our traditional healer gram clinic for assistance.
A reputable private nursing home that usually assists Mukti with serious medical issues was contacted by Barun, and Subhajit was found to have abnormal swelling close to his chest area.
There Subhajit has undergone Excision of Vascular Malformation surgery.
Following the surgery, Subhajit’s health steadily improved as the abnormal blood vessels were successfully repaired. He experienced reduced pain, and swelling, allowing him to regain his mobility and live a fulfilling life once again.
The family expressed gratitude to Mukti for saving their child’s life.