Whenever technological advancements have taken a leap in human society, there have been disruptions and we have been circumspect in receiving such changes. Advent of Internet and mobile phones have seen such changes that have taken the world by storm. What was unthinkable a few decades ago has become a reality. With the click of a button, one gets everything that one needs to access, be it news, information, entertainments, services and so on. With all good things comes their pitfalls and these devices /technologies are no exception, I thought.
The other day I was talking to one of my close friends on this aspect of life that has become inseparable from our existence. My concerns on the excessive use of mobile phones by the young generations of the society and the screen time that affects their concentration and thus affects their mental health and so on and so forth.
Our two way open conversation soon got us transported to the operations of Mukti and my friend reminded me of the way, these technologies are being used by Mukti that has integrated the World and Mukti like never before.
“Supriyada, just think of Mukti’s operations and how we have been able to capture each and every event of Mukti by using this device/technology.” Right from maintaining a Mukti Website which showcases our activities in the fields of Health, Education, Agriculture, Livlelihood, Environment, Rights and special needs (HEALER) and also Awareness, Integrated development, Disaster Recovery ( AID) ( I could get each of these letters expanded as I touched them on the website, I had opened on my mobile phone), against each of these programmes there are news items that cover the latest activities, workshops/seminars conducted and the website mainly captures data/information from the field workers, programme managers, coordinators who are wide spread across the state and beyond and how they capture photographs/videos of events and share them with the stakeholders almost instantly? Using this technology only. Our volunteers and donors across the world remain connected through these websites and technologies 24×7. The E Newsletter Mukti Barta is also reaching our readers through this technology. The platforms that we have been using for marketing products and services of Mukti Fresh, Mukti Green, and Mukti Cloud kitchen are all driven by this technology through which one can access and order products and get them delivered at his/her doorsteps. Technology, isn’t it?
This increasingly expanding networks of Mukti workers/volunteers such as Mukti Field activities, Mukti Sathi, Mukti Editorial, Mukti Reporting team and many such groups are constantly connected and exchanging data/information/photographs/videos and how is that possible without embracing this technology with both arms?
How about Digital frauds that are happening every now and then, these days? Although Mukti has addressed these issues also (nothing really goes out of radar for Mukti- a holistic approach with no room for complacency, I reckoned) by organizing a workshop at the rural gathering at Mukti Mela this year, on Cyber security, but one cannot ignore the ill effects of this technology, I was still slightly hesitant and cautious like the old man in the house. We need to be vigilant, alert and more aware, that is the key. Cannot blame technology for that. Came the reply. I acknowledged the point while I was thinking of our initiatives already taken in increasing the visibility of Mukti work through Facebook, Instagram, X handle, LinkedIn.
It remined me of a saying of Shri Ramakrishna who once had told his disciples in his inimitable style “ One has the option of reading Gita or creating counterfeit notes under the glow of a lamp, how one uses the brightness of a lamp that dispels darkness is his/her choice.” Although this was said in a different context, it will always remain relevant for a society and the world that is constantly evolving. Striking a balance is the key, I thought and shared my writing to our Editorial team using my mobile phone and internet connections.