Mukti, in association with “OAK Foundation”, organized a chicken rearing training program for the women groups of 4 different moujas of Heramba Gopalpur GP – Kuyemuri, Herembogopalpur, PurbaSurendranagar and Dakshin Kashinagaras part of the ACV (Amplifying Community Voice) project. With the participation of 110 women, the training was scheduled from 18th to 22nd November 2022.
Mukti recently prepared a survey report with the members of the ACV group, where the means of livelihood of the people of the most vulnerable communities of the region is documented. By thoroughly reviewing the document, Mukti realizes that there are special needs for backyard poultry farming in these regions, because people prefer poultry units of small size, i.e., 10 to 20 birds each, rather than bigger units. These backyard units can provide supplementary income as well as better nutrition without incurring extra expenditure. Backyard poultry farming can be a means of sustainable livelihood that can eliminate the never-ending problems of poverty, hunger and malnutrition.
A detailed training program was conducted by Mukti model village trainer Mr. Kamal Nag on chicken rearing, vaccinations, precautions for preventing diseases, shelter-building, choice of breeds, etc.
As most of the participants are associated with MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) groups, Mukti will provide them loans to start their chicken-rearing micro-enterprise and move towards financial independence.