Mukti in association with “Give India” organize a three-day Training of Trainers (TOT) Program for skill development in agriculture at Mukti SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement) office, Purba Sridharpur under Mathurapur block II from 16th – 18th October 2021. 22 trainers of the SAM project participated in the 3-day training program.
Mukti is thankful to “Give India” as the training program helps to create more qualified trainers to provide effective training to all levels of Mukti farmer communities within a short time and in an economically feasible way.
The primary objective of TOT program is to introduce the trainers to the changing space of agricultural methods in the country. The skill development program not only focuses on the latest trends in crop production and processing of major species but also on the development of entrepreneurial skills to raise production and farm income as well as improving employment opportunities in agriculture and allied fields. The emphasis is given to equipping the youth with knowledge, practical skills and their applications so that they can participate in the nation’s productivity.
The program is the result of a requirement put forward by the SAM trainers and various farmer groups from different areas of Sundarban. Organic farmers are in need of understanding the different emerging practices, pre-harvest and post-harvest technologies to increase the quality and productivity of the products. In the current scenario of organic agriculture, there are lots of challenges faced by the farmers due to various reasons. Hence, different kinds of training programs are required to be provided to various levels of the farmers. This workshop, in specific, is focused on the latest emerging advancements in crop production and processing of major species.
The Training of Trainers (TOT) program is organized to create a group of trainers who would gain knowledge from the experts and then conduct training activities for the farmer groups. In the future, these trainers of the SAM project will train 500-1,000 organic farmers. The training program also included practical demonstrations, field-level visits, farm visits to understand various plant species.
The experts Mr. Bappa Mridha & Mr. Arun Kumar Maity teach them how to prepare Bio manure (Amrit Jal, Shashygabya, Ghana Jibamritam, Shivansh Khad etc), a new method of vermicompost preparation, method of using jibanu sar and its efficacy on the soil. The participants obtained adequate knowledge of the new high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties of various species and the same shall be shared with other farmer communities of Mukti.