Mukti is committed to make rural women empower. Aimed with this Mukti Community Development Fund (MCDF) arranged for a training on thermocol (Polystyrene) craft and thermocol flower makings. The training was given by Krishna Jatua in Rita Haldar’s residence spanning over three weeks between December 2017 to January 2018. It was held at Purba Sridharpur village in Sunderban, West Bengal. 18 women undertook the training.
All the women made flower out of thermocol for Mukti Fair, under the good guidance of the trainer. They were also informed about marketing the product. There are prospects of earning Rs. 2,500 to 3,000 every month by making thermocol flowers. Already two women have started this business.
Similar thermocol craft training was imparted at Sonatikari village in Sunderban, West Bengal. It was held in December 2017. Post training, the members participated in many Fairs such as “Milan Fair “in Kolkata, ‘”Sabla Fair” and “Krishi Fair”.in Diamond Harbour. Lastly, the MCDF women were looking forward to participate in the Mukti fair.
Mukti incurred Rs. 4,800 expenses for training the women. We are a charitable organisation solely dependent on benevolent donations to cover such expenses. In the future, we look forward to kind gesture from philanthropic souls.