The multi-sector rehabilitation and reconstruction program, implemented by Mukti has been working to assist communities affected by the cyclone Amphan. Mukti has formed 3 new SHG branches in Sunderban. Mukti in association with “Garden State Cultural association”, “German Consulate”, “Utsov” and “Gharoa Philadelphia” helping the new and old SHG members by distributing dry ration and tarpaulin.
Mukti is thankful to the donors for their continuous support which is helping Mukti to walk on the path of serving the society..
Village Name | Gram
Panchayat |
Block | Police Station | Grocery Items | Number of Beneficiaries |
Debipur and Bhubaneswari | Bhubaneswari | Kultali | Maipith Coastal | Rice, Dal, Soybean, Oil, Tarpaulin | 992 |
Nalua | Krishnachandrapur | Mathurapur I | Mathurapur | Do | 579 |
3 villages | 2 GPs | 2 Blocks | 2 PSs | 1571 |