World Heart Day, celebrated annually on September 29th, serves as a vital global initiative aimed at raising awareness about cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and promoting heart-healthy lifestyles across the globe. This day stands as a powerful platform to emphasize the significance of heart health and to highlight the profound impact that cardiovascular diseases have on individuals and entire communities.
In commemoration of World Heart Day, 24 members of Mukti Swastho Shongini took to the streets in their respective action areas, which include Mathurapur I and II, Patharpratima, Jaynagar, and Kultali blocks. Their mission was to spread awareness and educate people about the risk factors associated with heart disease, as well as the preventive measures individuals can adopt. Going door-to-door, each member visited 100 households, reaching approximately 100-150 individuals. To make these interactions engaging and informative, they divided the people into small groups and employed eye-catching posters as visual aids during their discussions. This creative approach not only enhanced understanding but also made the meetings more engaging and impactful.