On May 17th, 2024, a General Health Awareness camp was held at Vivekananda Primary School, Damkal, in Mathurapur Block II. The event saw participation from 89 local residents of the Mouli community (honey collectors) who received free medical check-ups and medicines. Generously supported by Marico India Ltd. and organized by Mukti, the primary objective of the medical camp was to provide free medical consultations and medications to approximately one hundred people from the honey collector community, with a special focus on rural women who often lack access to quality healthcare.
The patients received free medical consultations and medicines for various conditions, including cold and cough, high blood pressure, BMI, sugar levels, skin complaints, allergies, acidity, and body aches. Mukti extends heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Marico team for their support in making this event possible for the Moulis, making a significant impact on the health and well-being of this community.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-organized-free-medical-camp-for-the-mouli-community