Student: Bilas Samanta
Father: Swapan Samanta
Bilas took admission in Purba Sridharpur coaching centre, in 2015 as a mediocre student, in class 5. Bilas comes from a very humble family, where due to financial crisis, his father Swapan Samanta has to spend a lot of time away from family to earn a living and meet his family’s monetary needs. Thus, Swapan is unable to coach or guide his son, in matters of education. In this scenario, Bilas scored 9 in English and 22 in maths as he moved from 5th standard to 6th standard.
Considering his poor performance, the teachers at the coaching centre consulted Bilas’s parents and explained as well as requested them to become watchful about his studies. The teachers of the coaching centre also counselled Bilas to become more attentive towards his education. As a result of the combined effort from the student, teacher and parents, Bilas scored 47 in English and 95 in Maths and successfully moved from 6th standard to 7th standard. We hope Bilas continues with dedication and commitment towards his academic endeavours, under the continuous care of the coaching centre teachers and his family.
Wishing him all the very best, from MUKTI Family and coaching centre.