I extend a hearty welcome to all of you, the Head Masters and Head Mistresses and everyone present here in the second AGM of ASFHM.
We have gathered here today to discuss and find solutions to the problems that have arisen in the field of Education today. After analyzing the different aspects, we feel that the basic factor giving rise to the problems is the lack of proper leadership that can bring advancement to the society. Our society is primarily controlled by a handful of politicians who , by using 33 to 40 % of our income as tax , seek to meet the basic needs of the people , and there is another group like us who are trying to solve different social problems staying outside the political arena . But it has been observed that there has been a change in the pattern of social structure in Bengal in the last 30 years. Since the 1980 s, the political scenario has changed considerably and the parents have desisted from encouraging their children to join politics and engage in social service. You teachers, who are present here today will be able to realize the situation if you ask yourself how many students have been inspired to shape themselves as worthy political leaders or dedicated social workers . If we look at the developed countries of the world, we cannot find a single instance where the country has advanced ignoring the political currents and cross currents. So what we also need to achieve true advancement of our country is people with high intellect and dedication to take lead in the political field .
Our next point is that we who want to work for social welfare find that at present corruption has entered this sector. Some people form organizations for social work driven by their own financial problems and without being properly educated . How can an individual with lots of personal problems help others ? Naturally such a person has to use some portion of the financial assistance given to the organization for his own basic needs and we start looking down upon them . Our traditional mindset makes us respect and admire those who are earning lakhs , and treat with contempt those with meager means , but engaged in commendable social service . This has given rise to an imbalance . The main reason for this is that people who are highly educated and are the best brains in society are engaged in different professions leading an easy life , but not taking any social responsibilities . As an example it may be cited that an insect like the bee follows a pyramidal structure where the most capable ones are at the top of the pyramid looking after the whole community . But men who have been favored by Nature with brains and talent , choose the easy way out and run after money . The difficult task of taking the society forward is left to mediocre people . And all problems start from here .
Every morning we hear that 130 million people are looking for jobs . On the other hand millions of jobs need to be done . We need roads and schools . For roads we need man power and materials . For schools we need teachers and a roof . Even without a roof a school can be conducted if we follow the examples of Rabindranath Tagore and Aristotle . When there are lakhs of educated unemployed young people willing to teach, why this gap cannot be filled?
It is necessary to do an in – depth study of the situation in order to find a proper and viable solution . After a lot of discussion and observation , Mukti has reached a conclusion . You all have heard of Entrepreneurship , but we are talking of Entrepreneurship , where people from different professions will devote at least a little time for social work , while pursuing their career unhampered . Because for proper social improvement we need the support of meritorious people , not their money . At present , merit and intellect are being used only to pursue highly paid jobs .
There is another group of people who inspite of being meritorious do not have the freedom to take decisions as that power is in the hands of their bosses who belong to mediocrity . The teachers who are present here today know too well that they are unable to play a significant role in taking the country forward because of the present social structure . Mukti requests you to give to society some time from your daily routine while not disturbing the demands of your livelihood . This is our brand of Service to Society . Mukti has been formed on this principle . So far almost 800 people who are holding senior positions in different countries of the world have come together and formed Mukti . After a lot of thought , Mukti has chosen this structure to ensure that the individuals connected with us will not take any illegal or anti- social steps as that would endanger their career . So honoring the ideals of Mukti , everyone associated with us has joined hands with utmost honesty and dedication .
In Mukti’s journey of almost 17 years , with the cooperation of several software engineer friends we have been largely able to apply IT Technology to expand our field of work . It has been possible to share detailed information regarding our work and establish contact with people in all corners of the world with the help of technology . In this context l must mention Mr. Chandan Maity , the Head Master of Krishnachandrapur High School . Since l came in contact with him about 3/4 years ago , l have been inspired by his school- centric developmental work and since then we are working in association .It has been decided that the projects which have been successfully launched by him may be financially assisted by our friends abroad . The headmasters of different schools present here , you who are capable of hard work and have a fine vision for the upliftment of society can join these projects and use Mukti as a platform for your developmental work . You all know that finance is a major problem , besides others . If you observe , you would see how Chandan babu has been able to overcome them and has achieved a lot in improving the infrastructure and atmosphere of his school . If you see how in the last few years he has been able to procure and utilise funds , you would know that it may be difficult but not impossible . And we aim to assist in making at least 100 more headmasters like him . To begin with, you can list the problems of your school and the adjoining locality and start an awareness campaign . Mukti will then appeal for help to their generous patrons abroad .The acceptability and reliability needed for this has already been earned by Mukti through recognition in national and international levels . Along with this there are certain regulations regarding the use of foreign funds in India , called the Foreign Currency Regulation Act . This Act ensures and controls the use of foreign funds for development work . Every country has its own laws and regulations to supervise the proper utilization of its money given to other countries . That means the funds invested in India for social welfare by foreign countries can operate smoothly only through mutual interaction , and Mukti has successfully established that relation with various countries adhering to their laws and requirements . You can use this facility to your advantage through the Mukti portal , in solving problems relating to your schools . Funds may be received from all corners of the world and it will be handed over to you to implement your project successfully . Mukti is inviting you all to make such schemes a reality .
It is essential here to give you a clear idea of Mukti’s political stand . We are an a -political body , but not anti- political . We try to support and assist all benevolent work by any political personality or group . But we never participate in political conflict or debate , either directly or indirectly , as it is against our ideals . Similarly we do not have any religious allegiance . We work for people irrespective of their caste , creed or religion .
Next, let us address the current problems in Education . You know that Mukti has set up Oxygen parlors in different regions of West Bengal during the pandemic . At present the corona situation is easing a bit , but a major problem is looming ahead . It is the sharp increase in the rate of school drop – outs . It will be a big challenge to Mukti and to you all to bring back to school the students who have been away from education for almost two years when the schools have been closed . This break in continuity will be very difficult to make up. So Mukti has planned some programs to tackle this issue. We are about to start a project called Teachers Training Module in association with some other organizations . This is the outcome of serious research done for the last two months with ten teachers of the Hindu Academy . The basics of different subjects which the students must learn to make them eligible for the next class will be given utmost priority . Here it is important to categorise students into 3 groups keeping the present situation in mind . Firstly , those students who with family support and digital help have been able to continue on- line school education . Secondly , those who are in an intermediary situation , with some access to electronic media , if not much . The third group is those who have been totally deprived of any help. Our concern is this third group. If they are segregated and taught as a separate group , it may give rise to a sense of inferiority complex leading to an unwillingness to join school . So we have to be especially careful in handling them when schools reopen. Another important factor to us is giving students an all round education or value education , not only a career oriented education . We have been trying to lay the foundation of a value based education system and we need your help to sow the seeds of morality and high values in the young minds . A successful life cannot be measured by money only , and this has to be realized by them . From here will be born a future Vidyasagar or Swami Vivekananda . This will not be possible without your active help.
In conclusion , l want to say that we may have difference of opinion in different matters , in future also there will be disagreement amongst us , but at the end of the day, may we forget our differences and take a united stand . Let there be peace. While we take many different routes in our search for God, many will agree that the realization of God is born out of a glimpse of the infinite that comes about when there is a synthesis between the tangible material universe and our conscious knowledge of its wonders. And you, head teachers, are the repository of that eternal knowledge. I personally think that your combined knowledge is greater than that of any one great individual seer of truth. You must pledge to not let that great collection of knowledge be divided due to differences of opinion.
Come forward together, let us work together. Its benefits will not only come to your livelihood or life personally, it will benefit society as a whole. I end by I wishing you all the best, and by wishing you good health.