Name: Shachin Maji
Village and Post Office: South Kankan Dighi
Thana: Raidighi
District: 24 South Parganas.
Shachin Maji’s primary occupation is farming. He owns 4 Bigha farming land. For rice cultivation, which is his primary crop he have selected Dhonchey as the principal organic fertilizer. Instead of ineffective and harmful chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizer Dhonchey have yielded way more effective outcome and Shachin Maji is able to sustain his family, all of this is possible for his association with MUKTI and he is very much grateful to MUKTI, for such guidance and assistance.
With the help of other NGO’s MUKTI regularly conducts training organic farming techniques. This is MUKTI’s aim to build a strong knowledge-base on organic farming and sustainable agriculture techniques among needy farmers of India. You can also be part of that by sponsoring such training. Visit our donation page for more details.