Satyajit is an enthusiast runner since long. By profession he spent couple of years US, UK & Denmark and came across many good friends who were equally passionate about running and health. Although he is a regular runner since long, he started actively participating in various running events since 2015. 2016 DHL Marathon in Copenhagen was very much memorable when he participated the relay run with few other runners as a team. Long distance relay run actually very interesting as whole team aims for a target timing and everyone has to support that during their part of running. It is a great team work.
Satyajit is also a passionate social worker and working for society, especially in Sunderban area since last 14 years. He is closely associated with many renowned NGO organization in India. He believes that giving back to society is a must and that way only we can make our society a better place for tomorrow. He has helped many NGO organizations with his core competencies, time, strategic thinking. To him running for a cause is nothing but an extra hands to spread across to help the needy.
In Satyajit’s word:
[gdlr_quote align=”center” ] This is very important that we are taking care of our health along with many other priority works we do everyday. And when you run with a cause in-front of you and you see the faces of those needy people, nothing can be more motivational than this. It comes with two folded benefits where a single run helps you as well as an unknown person who really needs that help. Running for a cause gives you that extra mileage which we often lag when we try to run without a target. Whatever small a run is and whatever small a contribution is, it is always a BIG help on other hand. I had several opportunities to work with those needy people and I am fortunate for that. Swami Vivekananda rightly said that we may not need to do any puja if we just work for humanity. Nothing can be more motivating than working for Human God. Therefore, let us come forward and help whatever way we can, be it money, be it your time, be it your expertise.
[gdlr_button href=”https://muktiweb.ketto.org/fundraiser/MuktiWebforTSK252017MzAwZ” target=”_self” size=”large” background=”#4fbed6″ color=”#ffffff” with_border=”yes” border_color=”#368799″] [gdlr_icon type=”icon-magic”]Support My Cause[/gdlr_button]