Road as an important part of environmental space, the road greening has become the focus. Road greening can not only beautify the environment but also can purify the air, reduce noise, pollution, soil erosion and has another ecological effect.
The beautification project that Mukti initiated is concentrated at and around the Mukti Gram under Nagendrapur GP and Mathurapur Block II is currently the most visible and powerful instrument shaping the rural space. Under this initiative, Mukti has already started planting 4000 coconut trees and 2000 flower saplings beside the roads of Mukti Gram.
Roadside Hedging – The 1200 foot road from Ateswartala to Purba Sridharpur Paschim Matha of Mukti Gram that Mukti repaired in the last week needs to be protected from the monsoon rain. In doing so Mukti is creating a hedge with the Salvia plant. 5,000 Salvia plants will be planted. Other than Salvia some flowering trees like Nayantara, Joba, Karabi will also be planted.
Dragon fruit plantation – Mukti has aimed to plant 2000 Dragon fruit plants from Nagendrapur Hemantakumari High School to Mukti Library. Mukti is planting these plants on both sides of the 3500 feet river embankment of Mukti Gram. This fruit will help to decrease soil erosion and will also add some vibrant color to the landscape. In the future, Mukti has a plan to plant these trees all over Sundraban.