Team Member – Debabrata Halder, Sourabh Kayal, Arabindo Mandal and Others.
Activities done in last year –
Organic Training – 25 ToT created, 3 advanced training to existing farmers, 1000 farmers got training, 6 Training per farmers.
VermiCompost Pit Construction – 202 vermicompost pit made for large-scale manure preparation, 120 done and rest would be completed.
Equipment & Manure – Bringing new equipment for ease of farming, Farmers get various types of manure.
Implementation Survey – Baseline survey of organic farmers, Data capture for better study of the soli and weather.
Exotic Vegetable Farming – High demand in the market, Successfully cultivated Exotic vegetables.
Indigenous Seeds – Started seed productions pilot, 2 varieties of seeds to produce locally, Green Chili & Ladies Finger.
Notable Achievements- First Position in India for Organic & climate resilience farming. Mukti has supported farmers in the hard situation (cyclone, flood etc), through livestock food providing, Paddy seedling distribution and training how to overcome the situation. Around 1000 farmer has opted for organic farming, new 551 farmers added to the list, built 200+ vermicompost pit for certified farmers. Since last year Mukti farmers have been making organic manure on their own for their cultivation. 300+ farmers are cultivating exotic vegetables like Pak chay, Cherry tomato, Turnip Purple, Golden yellow squash, etc. 3 tons of exotics vegetables has been produced. New 551 farmers have been trained successfully – Total number of organic farmers 1000.
Impact Created since Inception – Rejuvenated large-scale cultivable land (90 Bighas) under organic farming, by replenishing soil quality post-implementation of organic manure, with 500 samples tested for the same, 30% income increment for 200+ organic farmers. Farmer awarded health and sustainable farming of our project area 5500 farmers practicing. Now, farmers prepared more than 15 numbers of organic manure for application in their agricultural land.
Future Plans – 202 Vermicompost pit built, another 200 to be built,15-20 varieties of seeds production, 15 types of organic manure & pesticides preparation, 850-acre land to support chemical-free farming, 400 farmers income to be doubled, 50 farmers to produce exotic vegetables. 1500 farmers to get advanced training, 1000+ categories of Training Program, Prepare TOT for advanced training sessions,550 farmers to be PGS certified.