Diverse activities of Mukti have one common goal and that is enriching the lives of people.
Economic development’s most important indicator is the human capital and the main factors of human capital are health and education which are the top indicators in the development of a country. For sustainable development, community health development is a must which means the collective well-being of community members. The NGO sector plays a very important role in improving community health outcomes at several levels, sometimes directly by medical interventions and sometimes by making improvements in the important determinants of health like education, water and sanitation, poverty alleviation etc. In an effort to address community health issues, Mukti and Kolkata Foundation have come forward with the project ‘SwasthyaSangini’ which will strive for holistic community health development.
‘SwasthyaSangini’ project has 24 women health workers (swathyasanginis) from the community whose responsibility is to provide health literacy for preventive and promotive healthcare. The Swasthyasangin is have been trained by CINI which is an Indian NGO regarded as one of the most influential institutions working for the poor and has expertise in training health workers. The swasthyasanginis’ aim is to ensure better health and hygiene of the community. Their job is not to duplicate the services provided by the government but instead facilitate the community to utilise the services provided by the govt. or any other sector by counseling and assisting in accessing available health facilities which may be public, private or run by NGOs.’
The Sunderban area is highly prone to natural disasters which often call for assistance from all possible quarters. Mukti’s ‘Swasthya Sangini’ project aims to train its SHGs to come forward and join hands in assisting in management of health issues during such emergencies.
‘SwasthyaSangini’ program will ensure community participation in health development which is essential for any sustainable development.