The Mukti Agriculture Department joined the Aush Mela (fair) from February 10 to 12, 2024, at Kankandighi cyclone center in Mathurapur Block II. The state government recognized Mukti’s significant contributions to agriculture and handicrafts and extended an invitation for Mukti to participate.
In one of the stalls, Mukti displayed 25 types of herbal and medicinal plants. There was a poster with names, scientific details, and benefits of 38 medical plants. Volunteers explained the uses and healing powers of these plants. In the next stall, Mukti showcased exotic vegetables and bio-manure preparation, emphasizing the benefits of the sustainable and eco-friendly practices employed.
Along with the agricultural stalls, Mukti extended its presence with three handicraft stalls. One stall had jams, jellies, and pickles. The second had soft toys and the third featured junk jewelry.
Every day, 2,500-3,000 people visited the fairground, making it a successful and engaging experience for Mukti and the visitors.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-s-contribution-to-agriculture-and-crafts-at-aush-mela-2024