Sponsorships are not designed to cover the tuition fees of poor but talented students. It also strengthens the bond of love and responsibility between the student and his / her sponsor. To foster such a relationship the Mukti TSS team organized a virtual sponsored student meeting between Mr. Nilotpal Ganguly and his sponsored student Rahul Roy on 3rd February 2022.
Mukti expresses sincere thanks to Mr. Ganguly for his sponsorship. Today, due to him, Rahul is a happier student, self-assured, always has a joyful and kind expression and has good prospects for the future.
Mr. Ganguly is associated with Mukti from the session 2013-14. He has been graduated in Chemical Engineering and is having 32 years of professional experience including 22 years overseas. He is currently working in one of the largest Aluminum Smelters in the world. He is widely experienced in Operational Excellence, continuous improvement, change management, QMS and Six Sigma Practitioner and trainer.
6 years ago, Rahul was enrolled in the TSS program. At that time, Rahul was a student of class XI and he had the good fortune from that moment to be sponsored by Mr. Ganguly, a sponsor from Um-Al-Hassam, Bahrain, who is still supporting him. Very recently he has come to Kolkata. After all these years of sponsorship, the relationship has allowed Rahul and his sponsor to develop a strong bond. Through the correspondence, they talk about everything: family, health, hobbies, school, job, their countries, their culture and the most important thing, their dreams.
Rahul is presently pursuing 2nd-year B.E Printing engineering from Jadavpur University. He stays with his parents at Banshidharpur village of south 24 Parganas district of West Bengal. His father is a carpenter. He belongs to a lower-middle-class family. His father is working as a Carpenter on daily wages and is the only bread earner of their family. By working hard, his father and his mother managed to give him education until class X but due to high education fees and living expenses, his father could not afford it any longer. At that time he thinks he will never be able to resume his studies and chase his life goals.
But his parents never stop encouraging him. They use to say to him that they have high hopes for him. They just wish him to make them proud one day and grow professionally.
Their inspirational words never let him be disappointed. He applies to Mukti TSS for sponsorship. Inspired by his enthusiasm Mr. Ganguly selects Rahul as his sponsored student. That day is his turning point in life. He promised himself that he will prove himself and never let his parents as well as sponsosr down.
The relationship between them is based on care and respect. Mr. Ganguly has always encouraged Rahul through the letters he sent him. During the meeting, he advised Rahul to study hard, tells him how important it is to have good professional training in order to reach higher goals in life. He discussed different ways to overcome the challenges and assist in guiding him as well. He shared his own experiences and motivated Rahul to achieve his aim. He also tells Rahul to be a good son and respect his parents.
Rahul thanked Mr. Ganguly and said that he holds a very special place in his life. He considers Mr. Ganguly like his father. Like his father, Mr. Ganguly also worries about him and his needs. Rahul while sharing his feelings said that he loves and respects Mr. Ganguly for his incredible personality. He doesn’t get frequent opportunities to meet him but exchange letters and maintain the affectionate bond of sponsorship. It is the affection and attention of the sponsor which helps to develop himself into a better human being.
They were very happy during the meeting and expressed their happiness.