The situation arising from Cobid-19 is now undertaking the whole world through a very difficult and uncertain time. The most affected are childhood and adolescence. At a time when students are trying to shape their future through education, such a catastrophe is shattering their dreams. It is the time to think for them. They need to feel secure, safe, protected and cared about. Besides the support of their parents and teachers they need their sponsors the most- the assurance of whatever may be the situation, I will always be your side.
To strengthen the bond of trust of the students Mukti TSS (Talented Student Sponsorship) team on 24th January 2022 has organized a virtual sponsor-student meet between Dr. S.K. Biswas and his sponsored student Prabir Kumar Dey.
Mukti conveys honest and genuine gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Biswas for sponsoring the studies of Prabir. Your scholarship is priceless and will definitely help him in his educational endeavors.
Dr. Biswas is associated with Mukti since 2018-19 and he has sponsored 2 TSS students. From this academic year 2021-22, he has selected Prabir.
Prabir is a resident of Poradanga village under Murshidabad District in West Bengal. He is pursuing B.Sc Mathematics 3rd year in science stream from Khanrapara High School. He has a large extended family including grandmother, parents, uncle, aunt and five siblings. His elder brother is pursuing graduation in Mathematics and his sister is in class XII. His father is a mentally challenged person and unable to work. His uncle runs their whole family by selling milk and sometimes farming. The low income is unpredictable at times, so they can’t meet all of the family’s needs. It has been difficult for the family to buy food, so education fees are even more of a challenge. He wants to pursue M.Sc in the future and after establishment wants to support his family.
First time they meet and interact with each other. Mr. Biswas shared his own experience to motivate the student to achieve his aims. He assured Prabir of all his support and assistance in this utmost difficult time. He advised Prabir to be focused on his studies.
During their meeting, Prabir said that being educated in higher education has always been his dream in life. This financial assistance has made it much easier for him to spend more time on his studies, and it has put him on a path to greatness. He thanked Dr. Biswas for helping him attaining him one of his greatest dreams. Dr. Biswas has inspired him in many ways, one of which is to give something back to the community through scholarship when he will be able to in the future.