To maintain the beauty of Mukti Gram, Mukti has taken several maintenance programs throughout Mukti Gram as it is an important factor in quality assurance and in some cases determines the long-term success of a project.
Watering the roadside plants:
To water the flowering trees which Mukti planted beside the 1.9 km road at Mukti Gram, Mukti appointed worker. He is watering the plants every three days in a week. He carries a drum on his van which can contain 1,000 litre swallow water and through a pipe he gives water to the plants. At first women of the said village were engaged for the work. They used to nurture the plants with the pond water. But as summer is approaching and as well as the cultivation season has already started, pond water will not be sufficient for the plants to grow. Mukti is bearing the petrol cost of the van and the worker will be paid under “Food for Work” project.
Maintenance of the roads:
Mukti is maintaining the roads of Mukti Gram by crack sealing. The work started with the roads of Purba Para. The road stretched about 1 km. The road is mainly made with bricks. Workers are blocking the holes and the cracks with rubbish and then leveling it with hammer. There are 10 workers working under “Food for Work” project.
Beautifying the roadside trees:
Mukti is coloring the big trees along with the lamp posts beside the entrance road of Mukti Gram, with the tri- colors of our national flag. These are basically the trees planted by individuals or by the Government. From the base of the tree to 4 metre of height Mukti painted the trees with limestone. Then the tri color green, white and saffron (from bottom to top) were painted. One worker is engaged in painting. He is working under “Food for Work”.
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