On 27th May, 2021, in the afternoon Mukti volunteers visited Bongheri village under Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat to listen from the villagers how Mukti can serve them in this crucial time. Villagers told the volunteers that they are in utter need of food and water. Yaas has flooded their home and all belongings. They don’t have food or if someone has any they can’t cook the food. But to survive they have to eat. If Mukti can help them either with dry or cooked food it will be a great help for them.
After listening from the villagers Mukti volunteers and Mukti Board of Trustee members decided to support the affected villagers with cooked food. As per the decision Mukti started serving food from 28th May, 2021.
Mukti is serving 400 families in Bongheri with rice, dal and soybean curry. People from afar came to receive food by breaching the flood water. Mothers with their babies in their lap, senior citizens, children and so many needy and poor people came in hope to receive food. Mukti volunteers served each of them with sufficient food to need their hunger.
Mukti is grateful to the villagers for giving Mukti the opportunity for serving them, for sharing their need with Mukti.
Mukti will continue the food distribution initiative till the condition improves.