MUKTI and “Geo Nutri Pvt. Ltd.” jointly organized a free medical camp at Harop village on 29th April 2023 (Saturday). The medical camp was conducted at the Harop Central Club with the support of club volunteers. Dr. Ujjwal Mukherjee, was the attending general physician and was assisted by Shyamal Ghoshal.
The objective of the camp was to provide free secondary-level health facilities, including free medicines, proper advice on chronic ailments, counseling, and awareness. The most common health problems encountered during the camp were dizziness, giddiness, abscesses, rashes, itching, fever, back pain, joint pain, headache, abdominal pain, body ache, worm infestation, anemia, diarrhea, weakness, and hypertension.
The camp was successfully organized with the guidance and support of Ms. Sonamon Basu (Program Manager of the health wing of MUKTI), Mr. Bidyut Sanpui (Project Coordinator at MUKTI), Mr. Sanjay Byabarta (Harop Central Club Secretary), and Mr. Kousik Byabarta, (MUKTI volunteer). A total of 53 people, including 12 men and 41 women, were examined at the camp. The Harop Central Club volunteers played a vital role in the camp’s success with their dedicated assistance to the patients.