Mukti in association with “OAK Foundation” under ACV (Amplifying Community Voices) project has organized a three-day organic training program for all, including farmers and common people. People from every aspect of society – General, SC (Scheduled Castes), ST (Scheduled Tribes) and OBC (Other Backward Class) have participated in the training session. The session doesn’t design only for the farmers but also for non-farmers, landless farmers, farmers who work as daily laborers on other people’s land and people from different professions.
The training program has been conducted from 21st to 23rd May 2022 at the Kuyemuri flood center in Heramba Gopalpur GP of South 24 Parganas district. 35 participants including 15 females and 20 males attended the training session. Mr. Arabinda Mondal – senior expert trainer from the Mukti SAM project facilitates the training program.
On the first day of orientation, the participants are introduced to the importance, benefits of organic farming and they are motivated to adopt it. In organic farming, no expensive fertilizers, pesticides, or HYV seeds are required for the plantation of crops. Therefore, there is no extra expense. With the usage of cheaper and local inputs, a farmer can make a good return on investment. There is a huge demand for organic products in India and across the globe, which generates more income through export As compared to chemical and fertilizer-utilized products; organic products are more nutritional, tasty, and good for health. The farming of organic products is free of chemicals and fertilizers, so it does not harm the environment.
On the second day, they have been provided knowledge on organic manures, pesticides, diseases, Identifying different types of worms (good and bad for the plants), medicines etc. They have been taught to make 16 types of organic fertilizers which are cost-effective and can be made very easily using kitchen and farm waste.
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ31gsCIrKM
On the third day, the trainer demonstrates to them how to make different types of manures. The participants have made the fertilizer themselves.
One of the participants Mrs. Susama Jana resides at Purba Surendranagar and has shared her view after the training. She said, “We have learned a lot about organic farming in this three-day training program. We came to know about different types of organic fertilizers and medicines. Sir taught us about these. We feel that by acquiring knowledge we will be able to use them in farming. There are lots of disadvantages to chemical fertilizers. In addition to the disadvantages, the market price has increased so much that it has become very difficult for us to afford them. Using organic fertilizer will save us a lot. We will inspire more people to adopt organic farming so that they too can benefit. We appeal to Mukti that if Mukti can continue this training program for a few more days then we will be able to know and learn much more. On behalf of all of us, I thank Mukti for organizing such an informative training program for us.”
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qsa1vhSDX6Y