Mukti has organized a meeting with the 3 youth forum committee members of 3 villages – Purba Sridharpur Purbapara, Purba Sridharpur Paschimpara and Purba Sridharpur Sarkarpara at Mukti SAM office to resolve the land issues on 8th August 2022. 60- 70 committee members of these 3 groups have gathered together to discuss the said topic. With them, some of the renowned social reformers of the locality have been invited to attend the meeting and share their valuable observations
There is a wrong and common notion among the people of Mukti gram that the land that Mukti is buying can be used only for Mukti’s purpose as Mukti has the authority in terms of using the land and the people of the village have nothing to do with it. Mukti wants to uproot this wrong thinking from their minds.
Mukti wants to assure them that the lands will not be used only for Mukti purposes. The people of the village also have equal rights to use these lands for development purposes. That is why Mukti has formed Forum Youth Committees in 3 villages so that they can with the proper utilization of these lands as per the wishes of the villages improve the society and help in its growth.
For example, Mukti has bought land called 10 Bigha at Purba Sridharpur. Purba Sridharpur Paschimpara forum committee will determine how they want to use this land. All the income generated from this land will be used for the development of that area as per the wishes of the committee. The conditions for using these lands stated are – these lands cannot be used for personal benefit and the committee has to work only with the permission of Mukti. In the future, some more lands will be purchased by Mukti and the forum committee members will decide how to use those lands.
This meeting has been organized because Mukti wants to send a clear message to the people – Mukti works for the benefit of the people and for the development of society. There is no personal interest of Mukti while doing social reforms. Social development by taking people from all walks of life and respecting their opinions and advice is the one and only goal of Mukti.