To elevate the standard of education, Mukti, in collaboration with Kolkata Gives, has embarked on a mission to empower Mukti Support Schools by distributing 66 sets of “teaching/learning materials” (TLM). Each of these sets consists of an assortment of 7 educational aids, ranging from globes and geographical charts to natural disaster visuals, maps, mathematics tools, and English grammar resources.
These materials play a pivotal role in elevating the quality of both teaching and learning within these schools. They serve as the backbone of efficient school operations, ensuring that every aspect of education runs smoothly. Students, too, actively engage with these resources, utilizing them to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of various subjects.
The significance of these tools transcends the classroom, as both teachers and students leverage them to meticulously prepare and deliver lessons that resonate with educational objectives.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/kolkata-gives-empowers-mss-students-by-distribution-teaching-learning-materials