Trees are further the homes of so many indigenous species, whose loss would be critical for the balance of the ecosystem. The need for trees is for the benefit of our own future generations. They are indeed guardians of our planet. Mukti is focused on reviving green earth and Mukti family members strive to make this positive difference by planting and protecting as many trees as possible.
Through its different plantation initiatives, Mukti has inspired people to give back to the environment. The plantation initiative has enabled the plantation of more than1 lakh trees across Sundarban. More than the number of trees, it is the number of people who have been encouraged to take action towards environmental sustainability that makes the “Go Green” one of the biggest exercises against global warming.
Mukti has aimed to create orchards on the countryside slope of the river embankment at Damkal Bhangar Khal. Five varieties of orchards will be set up on the river embankment covering an area of approximately 700 feet. Mukti has bought the saplings from Muchisa nursery, Amtala. The work has been started from 24th June 2022 and will continue.
The varieties of fruits and their numbers are given below
Name |
Number |
Banana |
163 |
Guava |
156 |
Lime(Pati lebu+gandharaj) |
354 |
Bengal currant (Karamcha) |
160 |
Papaya |
189 |
5 types |
1,022 |
Gallery link: http://localhost/mukti-old/gallery/album/mukti-is-creating-orchards-at-damkal-bhangar-khal