37 houses are being built in Mukti Gram in imitation of model houses. Mostly they are cell and dome houses. Initially, 12 villagers wanted to build their houses in imitation of model houses. At present 25 more people have expressed their desire to build such houses. The construction of houses has started and is in progress.
Mukti is supporting the house owners in building the houses. For the cell house, Mukti is providing Rs. 45,000 and for dome house Rs. 55,000. In two installments Mukti is paying the amount. 22 cell houses, 11 dome houses, 3 cell and thatch houses and 1 dome and thatch house are being built.
Mukti is hopeful that not only the villagers of Mukti Gram but many more people from other parts of the Sundarbans will be interested in building such houses.